Peacock Nymph

Tied by Jeff Lauze The origins of the Peacock Nymph are a little uncertain, some speculate that it is based on a British Columbia pattern, others think it based on the “half-back” nymph. This fly is extremely productive in Saskatchewan lakes and streams. Note: The Peacock Nymph should absolutely be…

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New Google Map

A new digital map has been added to the Lakes page. I took the time to enter every gps coordinate that was listed on the old site. In the future we should be able to get this feature to enable users to post their own info/links/gps info to the map.

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The Legacy

Saskatoon’s Kilpatrick Flyfishers stand in memory of one of the province’s flyfishing pioneers. By NEVILLE GOSLING When I moved from Vancouver to Saskatoon in the spring of 1982, it wasn’t long before I started looking around for a fishing club and preferably a fly fishing club at that. It took…

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The O’KEEFE Special

A SASKATCHEWAN ORIGINAL By NEVILLE GOSLING Hook: 3x Long Mustad 9672, Partridge D4a or Tiemco 5263 Size 6-14 Thread: Black pre-waxed monocord Tail: Brown Hackle fibres (sparse) Rib: None Body: Brown Mohair Wool Wing: Dark brown or black bear hair Hackle: Brown Ask any member of the Saskatoon based Kilpatrick…

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